We are all guilty of it, aren’t we?
Guilty of what, you may ask. You know, guilty of starting the year with some lofty goals to achieve great things with out lives. But then, you are two weeks into the year and things begin to breakdown and your goals just don’t happen. Then the excuses flow: -> Life got in the way. -> I realized I didn’t have time. -> I’m too busy. -> I didn’t see any real progress. You have heard them all. Heck! You may have even used them all at one point or another. The saddest thing though is that they all raise their ugly heads in week two. My good friend, world class speaker, and New York Times best selling author, Vince Poscente once encouraged me to, “Set the goal and let if go. Then, focus on the next obvious step and take it.” Basically, Vince was helping me focus on executing daily the fundamentals leading to success because they build upon each other, compounding the results. Have you ever watched a house being built? Did the builder decide to build a house there and suddenly it appeared? NOOOOooooo! The house was the result of a series of small steps, compounded over time, which began with the idea to build a house. -> The builder chose a lot and still no house. -> The lot was cleared, and still no house. -> The foundation was poured, and still no house. You get the idea. The house (goal) is the culmination of small steps taken in conjunction with each other to result in the final outcome. Just like building a house, while you may want an increase in sales, productivity, brand recognition, better health, a stronger marriage, they don’t all happen just because you want them and see them. Your results are the culmination your daily habits of focusing on and executing the of the principles and fundamentals leading to the outcomes you desire. Now it is up to you to develop the daily habits that lead to the life you were created to lead. You were born awesome. Now, keep being awesome.
Congratulations! You have just completed your first week of the new year. How did you do? Did you have a good first week? If you did, write down that your first week of the new year was a good week. How do you know? There are two aphorisms at play here:
All too many perform the first task and fail to perform the second. So, let’s do a quick check to see how your first week went. List the things that you accomplished during the week. By listing your accomplishments for the week, you will… -> establish yourself as an achiever, -> create a spirit of confidence, -> begin to see the areas you were willing and not willing to invest your time and efforts, -> be in a position to adjust your game plan, placing you in a better position to achieve more. You are the artist responsible for creating 2024 as a work of art. When you do what you planned, and review what you did, you can make the adjustments to paint the strokes on the canvas of your masterpiece, which is 2024. How did you do in week one? Watching The Citadel play against Western Carolina University in a basketball game last night, I saw a player suffer a painful and possible season and career injury. Following a quick prayer that the player would be okay, the stories of Job, Joseph, and many others who first feared, felt pain, and moved to hope ran through my brain. Like Job and Joseph, the injured basketball player is suffering, not only from the pain of the injury itself, but also the pain of the unknown that follows this time of adversity. The young basketball player must rehab his injury to return to normal activity; review his strengths to carry him forward; and review his new weaknesses, created by the injury in order to adjust his life’s plan for the new realities. What is required for the ballplayer’s journey? Faith, the kind of faith that endures all things seen for his unseen future. Isn’t running a business of any size like the basketball player who was injured? When faced with the challenges of the past four years, business owners felt much like Job and Joseph, wondering what the suffering was all about yet not wondering “why me?” It is by faith in the positive future that the business owner saw when planning what the business would look like and achieve. That plan provides the map to get back on track in three steps. -> With the use of solid business principles, immediately improvise your actions based on the new reality, thus rehabbing the way you operate. -> Adapt your activities to the new reality, focusing on your strengths to carry you through. Remember Covid? -> Reviewing your original principle-based plan and applying what you have learned in the new operating environment, overcome the challenges calmly and methodically. If you are not on a principle-based, faith driven journey in which you will rise in all tides, reach out. Help is always in your future. Want help? Give us a call!
AuthorBrian Kennedy is an encourager who shepherds small business owners and entrepreneurs along the path of business success to preeminence by embracing time tested principles and executing the associated fundamentals daily. Archives
March 2024
Brian Kennedy
123 Longleaf Drive Mooresville, NC 28117 214.906.8517 |